Bee Keeping & re-location services in the South Linc's area.
Wipeout Pest Management team are members of Boston Bee Keepers, we have hives of our own, also offer a bee swarm and re-location services to all bee species & equipment. For residential and commercial properties in the South Lincolnshire areas. Don't forget as pest controllers we are insured on your premises.
At Wipeout Pest Management in Spalding, we do everything to remove bees without harming them. We can relocate the bees and take the necessary steps to prevent more returning. This makes us a leading provider in bee removal and re- locating service in the South Lincolnshire
area. We have qualified and registered beekeepers to undertake this work, for your piece of mind we are fully insured
where others may not, Contact us for further information about our services.
Swarm boxes are used to encourage swarms to prevent them getting into your premises. Beekeeping courses available March to May, please ask for details.
WPM Bee Protection scheme
Members of Boston District Beekeepers. Beekeeping courses available.
Identify the species, bees are often mistaken for wasps, WPM will deal with them too.
Risk assess the site to ensure the correct equipment is used for access and safe removal.
Significantly reduce likelihood of people getting stung during process.
Prevent other bees return after extraction.
Provide the correct leading expert advice.
Carry out the work effectively and rapidly !
Fully Insured,
You can also speak to our team today about our wasp control
services in South Lincolnshire.
For professional and reliable Swarm and Bee re-location services, contact Wipeout Pest Management on 01775 822 168
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